Tragedy struck Spring Hill when a man lost his life in a motorcycle accident on Sealawn.
According to Florida Highway Patrol troopers, the victim, 23-year-old James M. Boehm, was heading west on Sealawn Drive when he crashed into a minivan driven by Tammy Holly, 31. Although the motorcycle accident is still under investigation by the FHP, it appears as though Holly turned into Boehm's path, giving him no time to avoid the accident.
Unfortunately, Boehm was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, ultimately leading to his death. The driver of the minivan received no injuries in the accident.
Even when you operate them safely, you can still get injured in a motorcycle accident. If this is true for you, contact a
Broward County personal injury lawyer today. Learn more about your state's laws regarding victims of motorcycle accidents to see what you can do to take back control of your life after the accident.

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